User Qurrel wants to know how to differentiate mouse clicks in CHTMLView so a context menu can be truly contextual. The documentation of CHTMLView could be more useful if it said when to override the function, not just how to use the function. This requires a collaboration between the Visual C++ team and the Windows SDK team.
User JosexD wants to know how to get the serial number of the motherboard and processor. The thread is marked as answered by a Microsoft Admin a year and a half ago, I guess to express him/herself JosexD twice voted the answer as helpful instead.
User LorenD wants to know why a MPEG-2 video is playing in his DirectShow-based software on Windows XP but not on Windows 7. The answer isn’t satisfactory, but that is how the standard behavior of video playing is. Maybe that’s why so many video players embed ffmpeg instead of relying on DirectShow?
It looks like a lot of people can’t find MSDN forums. Maybe other forums should have better navigation to point user to different brands, like consumer questions to Microsoft Answers, developer questions to MSDN forums, design questions to Expression, and network administrator questions to Technet.